Thanks to an email that my friend Kathy Kuehn sent to her community, explaining why this slow reading of Cather's text has had an impact on her life, I've been receiving some inspiring comments in reply. Here is one from Portland artist, Linda Hutchins, who graciously has allowed me to share her comments with you:
Dear Barb,
Thanks so much for the prompt. I thought I was too busy for this but Kathy’s note made it sound doable so I decided to give it a try. I started this morning and of course I immediately got drawn in. I made it through June 13 today and expect to catch up with the rest of you soon so I can join you at the slow read pace for the remainder of the summer. My grandmother recommended My Antonia to me years ago and it’s easy to see why as I read it now.
I’m curious if others have commented on the rhythm of the 6 page daily quota? I have the oddest feeling of suspension when I find my click has taken me back to the first page of the day instead of on to the next. There I am in mid-sentence or even mid-word, fully anticipating the thread to continue spooling. Instead it abruptly pulls me back six pages. My sense of anticipation is replaced by a feeling of comfort and familiarity when I realize I’m now re-reading words I encountered just moments ago. The feeling is unlike anything I’ve ever gotten from reading before, and even after I repeated the scenario multiple times today, it still catches my breath. It’s almost a feeling of light-headedness - quite lovely, and addicting. I look forward to seeing how it changes when it happens only once a day, and I have to wait until the next day to continue.
Thanks again, Linda